
1. Privacy Policy

1.1. eiaonlinebooking.com is committed to protecting your privacy. Our Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your personal information. By using our services, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Policy.

2. Cookie Policy

2.1. eiaonlinebooking.com uses cookies to enhance user experience. Our Cookie Policy provides information about the types of cookies we use and how you can manage them. By continuing to use our website, you consent to our use of cookies.

3. Booking Policy

3.1. The Booking Policy outlines the terms and conditions for making flight bookings through eiaonlinebooking.com. Users are encouraged to review this policy before making a booking.

4. Payment and Refund Policy

4.1. The Payment and Refund Policy details the payment methods accepted and the conditions for cancellations and refunds. Users should familiarize themselves with these policies before completing a transaction.

5. Security Policy

5.1. eiaonlinebooking.com takes security seriously. Our Security Policy explains the measures we have in place to protect your information during transactions and while using our platform.

6. User Responsibilities

6.1. Users are responsible for providing accurate information during the booking process and complying with our terms and conditions. Failure to do so may result in consequences outlined in our User Responsibilities policy.

7. Changes to Policies

7.1. eiaonlinebooking.com reserves the right to update these policies at any time. Users are encouraged to review this page periodically for changes.